Yousuf Talking Muslim Doll
Talking Muslim Doll.
Your child will enjoy the repitition of the phrases which will help them learn effortlessly. They can't help but sing-a-long to the fun and tuneful islamic songs, which will soon become their favourites. Now with 5 additional surahs! 3+ Years.
Now with 2 Levels Included
Level 1
- Surah Al Fatika (in Arabic & English)
- Surah Al Ikhlas (in Arabic & English)
- As-Salamu'Alaykum
- Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
- Lailaha Illallah Muhammadur-Rasulullah
- Fi Amanillah
- A'udhu billahi minash shaytanir-rajeem
- Insha'Allah and Masha'Allah
- Al-Hamdulillah
- Subhanallah
- Jazakallahu Khayrun
Level 2 (Arabic & English)
Surah Al Kawthar
- Surah Al Kafiroon
- Surah An Naas
- Surah Al Falaq
- Surah Al Asr